PTI’s Bold Move: Viral Videos Uncover 8 Feb Election Delay Truth | Pakistan News Must-Watch Insight!
Today is 5th of January.
And it is Friday evening in Pakistan.
Today’s important news.
And my analysis is available in front of you.
The first news will be in front of you.
That Imran Khan’s master stroke has made Chaudhry Nizamuddin helpless.
And Chaudhry Nizamuddin has also made the Senate of Pakistan naked.
Yes, in compulsion, Chaudhry Nizamuddin has used the Senate.
He has made a resolution to run away from the election.
We will keep the complete details in front of you.
The second news to be kept in front of you.
That there is so much fear of PTI in KPK.
That a new law of jungle has been adopted in KPK.
You can only go to the Jalsa Jaloos.
You will be put on trial.
And you will be kept in jail for three years.
This new law has been adopted.
There is so much fear in KPK.
We will keep the complete details in front of you.
Let’s come to the first news.
But before that, let me remind you.
If you have not subscribed to this channel yet, then do it.
Because in the world of propaganda, there are only a few voices.
I think one of them is my voice.
If you think my voice should be strong, then subscribe to this channel.
So that the voice reaches far.
Let’s come to the first news.
You know that two days ago, Imran Khan’s article came in Economist.
That article made Chaudhry Nizamuddin so helpless.
Made him so naked.
That because of the article, this thing has started all over the world.
Imran Khan has put his case in the world.
The fact is that the upcoming elections of Pakistan are fake.
They are fake elections.
They are fake elections.
They have no credibility.
They have no credibility in front of the people.
They will not have any status.
They will not represent the people.
That election.
Because Imran Khan’s words were banned.
Imran Khan’s spokesman can only come out and tell what Imran Khan has said.
And when the spokesman gives a statement,
then very cleverly,
I said very cleverly.
Very cleverly,
Chaudhry Nizamuddin
twists those statements and gets them played in the media.
So that it seems that one lawyer is saying something, the other lawyer is saying something.
All this is a conspiracy of Chaudhry Nizamuddin.
Because the spokesman’s statements are also given a twist of their own will.
So that Imran Khan’s message does not seem effective.
Or it does not make sense to the people what Imran Khan really wants.
In all these situations,
Imran Khan’s handwritten article is published in Economist.
When the whole world reads Imran Khan’s article,
and with the quality,
with the best style,
Imran Khan puts his case in front of the whole world,
with the skill,
that first of all,
he describes the background,
that how my government,
started with the conspiracy of the US cipher,
to the journal Bajwa,
and started with all the conspiracies of the journal Bajwa,
with the movement of indifference,
He also tells the reasons,
that I had absolutely not said,
that I will not give anyone a den.
I wanted to keep my foreign policy independent.
I wanted to keep Pakistan on the side of peace.
Independent foreign policy,
and because of the answer of giving a den,
my government,
with the conspiracy of the cipher,
Now, Chaudhry Nizamuddin,
used to tell all the journalists of Islamabad,
that when Imran Khan will be put in jail,
then you will see,
that Imran Khan will take departure,
from all the positions of his past.
It was said,
that you will see,
that Imran Khan will not take the name of cipher again,
and neither will Imran Khan say,
that Chaudhry Nizamuddin has conspired.
Chaudhry Nizamuddin used to tell the journalists,
that you just wait,
let Imran Khan go to jail,
Imran Khan will also ask for a deal,
he will also apologize,
he will be ashamed of what he has done,
and he will say that I had done wrong,
all this is a lie.
Now Imran Khan has turned it upside down.
So many months of jail,
from the martyrdom of his companions,
to the torture of his companions,
to more than 200 cases on himself,
to the murderous attacks of his companions,
along with that,
the entire fake drama of 9th May,
on the entire party,
after that,
the people of the party are not getting a place to hide their heads.
Now despite all those circumstances,
when Imran Khan himself is hanging on the cross,
meaning that he knows,
that he can also be sentenced to death or life imprisonment,
so even in such circumstances,
Imran Khan spoke the truth,
with all his might,
and in front of the whole world,
he kept this case in a very full,
in a very tight way.
Now this thing was not in the planning
or expectation of Chaudhry Nizamuddin.
Now when Imran Khan did this,
then Chaudhry Nizamuddin came to know
that the quality with which Imran Khan
has kept this case,
after that even if we get the election done,
then who will accept these elections in the world?
Imran Khan has already challenged
their status.
And then even if we get this election done,
then Imran Khan will challenge them in the future.
As I have told you many times,
that there are different groups
in Chaudhry Nizamuddin.
Different groups have different strategies,
plan A, plan B, plan C.
Every group does not follow the same strategy.
So in Chaudhry Nizamuddin,
there is one group that says,
get the election done,
and get Nawaz Sharif falsely,
and get the work done.
The second group says,
no, don’t get the election done,
keep Kakar Sahib as well,
it is impossible to control him.
So that group in Chaudhry Nizamuddin,
which does not want to get the election done,
they then said in Chaudhry Nizamuddin,
that even if we get the election done
after this article,
then what will happen?
So they came up with a new strategy,
and they came up with it in the Senate,
through Senator Waqar.
Senator Waqar is a Senator
of the Noon League.
It was recorded that he was elected
by their votes. There were 12 Senators
in the Senate at the time
when they brought this resolution.
The Senate is a regular forum
whose job is to support the election,
to demand that there be an election.
But here, the opposite tide is flowing.
Everything is going in the opposite direction here.
Here, the Senate is saying,
don’t get the election done.
And in the Senate, this resolution
came in front of 12 people.
There were 2-3 people who opposed this resolution.
One was PTI, one was Noon League,
and one was probably a Senator of the Peoples Party.
Noon League, on the one hand,
presented it to keep its mouth shut,
through Senator Waqar,
and on the other hand,
through Senator Afnan,
they got it negated.
But what do the Senators of Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf
have to say about this resolution?
Please listen.
The quorum was not complete.
The agenda was over.
People were going home.
As you know, the elections are coming up.
In the meantime,
5-6 other members of the Peoples Party
came and suddenly
introduced this bill
through Dilawar Khan.
When Dilawar Khan introduced it,
I don’t know why
the Chairman allowed him to do it.
And in exactly the same way,
in exactly the same way,
among a total of 12-13 people,
this bill was introduced
even though the quorum was not complete.
And suddenly,
voting was done on it.
In that voting, Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf,
Peoples Party, and Pakistan Muslim League Noon,
all three opposed it.
But obviously, the rest of the people
had planned it.
Everything was done with full planning.
They knew how many people would be sitting.
You heard that Senator Humayun
said what happened there.
Now we take you to the next stage
of this whole thing.
Imran Khan’s article pushed
Chaudhry Nizamudin.
Chaudhry Nizamudin now made the Senate naked.
I mean, he made the Senate do this dirty work
like he made all other institutions
naked in fear of Imran Khan.
Now he made the Senate do it.
And after this, you can see
that after this, Kamran Khan
and other big journalists
who are considered close to Chaudhry Nizamudin,
they were made to tweet that
this is a very good Senate decision
and there should be no election in Pakistan.
If there is an election,
Pakistan’s economy will be ruined.
This will also happen in Pakistan.
That will also happen in Pakistan.
So all these things were said.
So you can guess from this that
Nizamudin is completely helpless.
He also wants to fulfill the London Agreement
in which Nawaz Sharif has to be brought.
Many people have to get extensions in it.
Imran Khan has to be completely
removed from the ballot paper.
Then if he is removed,
there will be no time for the election.
How will the international community think about it?
All these things are not getting solved
at this time by Chaudhry Nizamudin.
Anyway, in a state of worry,
he has made a new casualty
and has also made the Senate naked.
With this, we move to the next news.
The next news is
more interesting than this.
And that news is that
at the moment, Pakistan’s Justice Movement
is popular in the whole of Pakistan.
You know that
Pakistan’s Justice Movement
is popular in 80 to 90 percent
or even more than 90 percent.
But in KPK,
the popularity of Pakistan’s Justice Movement
cannot be imagined
by those who do not live
in KPK.
They cannot even imagine
how strong
Imran Khan’s support
is in KPK.
No one can even think of
fighting an election there.
In these circumstances,
when the public is leaving KPK
and the public is ready
to campaign for Imran Khan
in the election,
a new law of the jungle
has been introduced in KPK.
Don’s Peshawar bureau chief,
maybe his name is Akbar,
this is his news.
It is his credit that
he has given this news that
Imran Khan’s Penal Code
has been changed in PPC.
And a new law of the jungle
has been introduced.
The law is that if a person
goes to an illegal event
and there is a riot
or if he participates in an event
which is not allowed,
then he has to be considered
equally corrupt.
And he can be imprisoned for three years
and a heavy fine can also be imposed.
An ordinance has been issued
that if a person participates
in an illegal event
and there is a riot,
then he has to be considered
equally corrupt.
An ordinance has been issued
that if a person participates
in an illegal event
and there is a riot,
then he has to be considered
equally corrupt.
An ordinance has been issued
that if a person participates
in an illegal event
and there is a riot,
then he has to be considered
equally corrupt.
If he participates in an illegal event
and the riot is promoted,
then he can be considered
equally corrupt.
An ordinance has been issued
that if a person participates
in an illegal event
and there is a riot,
then he has to be considered
equally corrupt.
D.C. could close your eyes for a maximum of 30 days under the order of 3 M.P.O.
and could extend it for 3 times, meaning it could be kept for a total of 90 days.
Now, this law can imprison you for 2 to 3 years.
It is a heavy fine and there is no need for a warrant.
You can be arrested without a warrant.
In addition, it is included in the category of illegal crimes so that it is not easily bailed out.
Now, all this is done in the KPK.
You will see that Punjab will copy it, other provinces will copy it.
The Nagraan government will also adopt this law.
First of all, the Nagraan government cannot legislate.
You know that it only comes to hold elections.
But you can see that the Nagraan government is effectively carrying out fascism
and is creating such laws that target and harm Pakistan’s movement for justice.
Anyway, these were the conditions till now.
But I will repeat it to you that the situation created by Imran Khan’s article
after which the Senate of Pakistan has also been stripped naked
and now what has happened in the KPK,
I mean, what does this new law tell you?
It tells you that everything has gone haywire.
Chaudhry Nizamuddin is worried and he is not able to understand where to go.
In these circumstances, I do not see Chaudhry Nizamuddin succeeding in any way.
First of all, he is not going to hold elections.
His chances are high. He is fully prepared to run.
Even if he does and you remain silent and you vote,
then Chaudhry Nizamuddin’s work is complete.
All of this is showing his frustration and nothing else.
Thank you. Long live Pakistan.
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