Barrister Ehtesham Amir-ud-din Haroon Natmam Official Sabee kazmi Samina pasha Fouzia Khan 22 December 2023 COAS Asim Munir Issues Pivotal Statement on Elections, Peshawar High Court’s Landmark Decision ! sharing today’s important news with youOne is that Pakistan’s Chief of Staff is still on a tour in AmericaI was watching the news that the business community in Texasinteracted with overseas Pakistanisthey were asked a few questionsthe questions were of political naturethey gave the answersand if we look at the requirements of their positionif we look at it from the perspective of the lawthen I feel that those questions should be asked to the Army Chiefand the answer to those questions should not be given by the Army Chiefbecause the constitution is very clear about itthe constitution says that the role of the armed forces of Pakistanis to protect and defend Pakistan against external aggressionor any threat of waror act in aid of civil powerwhen called upon the government to do someaning that any external aggressionwhich is a threat to Pakistan’s securityand securityit is the responsibility of the armed forces to protect Pakistan from itwhether it is land, sea or airwarif there is a warthen it is the responsibility of the armed forces to protect and defend Pakistanand then when the civil government calls upon the armed forcesin act of, in aid of civil powerthen it is up to thembut it is not up to the civil government to decide itotherwise, according to the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistanthe armed forces have nothing to do with politicsso much sothat the article that I told you aboutabout the functions of the armed forcesthis is article 245 of the constitutionwhich talks about itand apart from thatif the oath is takenbecause in Pakistan it normally happens thatthe opposition of the politiciansfor example, the Prime Minister is taking itthe Governor is taking itthen it is also covered live on the mediaso we know what the politicians say while taking the oathor what oath they takebut I was watchingI have already seen itI am telling you allthat the oath has to be taken on every important postfor example, before taking the position of Chief Election Commissionerevery person has to take the oathand that oath is alsosimilarly, anybody who joins the armed forces as a memberof the armed forcesalso has to take the oathand it is mentioned in itand it says thatI do solemnly swear thatI will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistanand uphold the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistanwhich embodies the will of the peoplethat I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoeverthis is written in the oathany person who joins the armyas a member of the armed forceshe takes this oathat the time of joining the armed forcesthat I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoeverand that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistanin the Pakistan Armyor Navy or Air Forceas required by and under the lawmay Allah Almighty help and guide meso now this is written in the oaththat I will not engage myself in any political activityin Pakistanbecause the functions of the armyas I told you in article 245it is mentioned in itthat what is the job of the armyI have told you thatso now for examplethe Army Chief has been here for more than 10 dayshe is on a tour of Americaand the news on Geonewsand other media has also reportedthat he has interacted with the Pakistani overseas community in Texasso the question asked to himwas about the possibility of delay in the upcoming elections in Pakistanand the answer he gavewas thatthe question wasabout the request of Tehreek-e-Insafin Lahore High Courtparticularly the Army Chief was askedso I think thatthe Army Chiefshould not be asked this questionbecause he is theChief of the Army Staffso it is not his domainor it is not his jobto take political questionsor to answer political questionsand you must have seen DGISPRmany times when they do press conferencesif there is a political questionthey say thatthis political question should not be asked from usso the question should be asked about the security of Pakistanthey often say thatanyway this question was askedand the reporting that has been doneis thatthe question was thatthe request submitted by PTI in Lahore High Courtcan delay the electionsso the answer to this is being reportedI was not there so I did not hearbut the reporting is thatif due to this request the elections are delayedthen alsothe elections of the Senate will not go aheadand the elections of the Senatewill take place in March 2024so this answer has been quotedby the Army Chiefthat if due to this requestthe elections are delayedthen also the elections of the Senate will not go aheadand the elections of the Senate will take place in March 2024and after that they haveurged to investand assured thatthe elections will take place on 8th Februaryin Pakistanso this newsand the visit of the Army Chiefin Texaswith the overseas Pakistanistheir meetingtheir interactionand the question of political natureand his answerthat too on the land of AmericaI think thatno one will leave such a good impressionand if legallystricto sensois seen and ifthe constitution is seenthen it has a different demandand we should follow itas much as possibleI was talking about the oath of the Chief Election CommissionerI was talking about the oath of the Chief Election Commissionerwhat does that oath saylet me read it out to youthat oath saysthat the one who isSikandar Sultan Rajabhe has taken this oaththat I solemnly swearthat as Chief Election Commissionerthat as Chief Election Commissionermember of the Election Commission of PakistanI will discharge my dutiesand perform my functions honestlyto the best of my abilityfaithfully in accordance with the constitutionof the Islamic Republic of Pakistanand the lawand without fear or favouraffection or ill willand that I will not allow my personal interestto influence my official conductor my official decisionsmay Allah Almighty help and guide meso this oath has been takenby the Chief Election CommissionerSikandar Sultan Rajabthat he will perform his dutiesfaithfully and will notfavour any political partynor will he act againstany political partywhich is based onprejudiceso that he is not harmedbut Pakistan Tariq-e-Insafis making a claimand their claim has a lot of lifewhich is a recordand the sequence of eventstells us what happenedso Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf’s barristerGauhar Khan filed a petitionin Peshawar High Courtand told Peshawar High Courtthat the Election Commission of Pakistanhas not allotted us the ballotbecause they have not yetaccepted our intraparty electionstomorrow is the last day to collectthe nomination papersand if the ballot is not allotted to PTIthen all our candidates will be considered freeand if they are considered freethen it will be a big loss for usso we should ask the Election Commissionto make a decisionso Peshawar High Court has nowordered the Election Commissionto make a decisionon the intraparty electionsof Pakistan Tariq-e-Insafby tomorrowand the barrister Gauhar Khanhas also said thatwith one party, i.e. PTIthere is a special treatment32 questions were askedto another partyand the requests againstthe intraparty electionswere said to be plantedso Peshawar High Courthas said that tomorrow is 22ndso make a decision by tomorrowon whether PTI will be allotted the ballotso no political party wasasked for the ballotno question was askedno sign was stoppedneither did they have to go to Peshawar High Courtand whateverPTI is sayingthis oath of theChief Election Commissionerif we look at itthen I think a lot ofserious questions arisesecondlyapart from going to Peshawar High CourtPakistan Tariq-e-Insaf’s current chairmanBarrister Gauhar Khan has also contactedthe Supreme Courtand has called for level playing fieldand intraparty electionshe has said thatdocuments are being snatched from our candidatesthere was a reportand some other eventswere reportedbut Barrister Niazi’s fatherwas told that he was goingto collect the intraparty documentsfrom Mianwali butdocuments were snatchedsohe has saidin the Supreme Courtthat we are being treated unjustlynow in the meanwhilein the backdropall this is happeningPTI’s allegations against election commission of Pakistanlistening to the courtstill now PTI is not getting a sign of changeand in this backgroundImran Khanhas signed his documentsfrom Mianwali, Lahore, Islamabadhe was a lawyerhe went to Diyala and met Imran Khanand he said thatfirst the jail authoritiessnatched the documentsand returned them after 7 hoursbut when they returnedthey met Imran Khanand signed the documentsand Imran Khan has signed the documentsfrom Mianwali, Lahore, Islamabadbut the question arisesthat will Imran Khandespite signing the documentsand collecting the intraparty documentsbe able to contest in the electionsor notbecause Islamabad High Courtwhich is importantand the famous Chief Justice of Islamabad High CourtAamir Farooqand the famous JudgeJustice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiriboth were askedthat Imran Khan’s intrapartyin that decisionin the Tosha Khana decisionthat decision should be appealedso they havemade a very technical pointthey said thatthe petition that was filedin Islamabad High Courtand in that petitionthe petition that you filedit was a petition to appealunder section 426of theCode of CriminalProcedureCRPCbut you did not file a petition to appealso you filed a petition to appealand we appealedyou did not file a petition to appealnow you are in section 561 CRPCand you are saying thatthe decision should also be appealedso they refused to give that reliefthey said that the case has been appealedbut the decision will not be appealedso yesterday I was herein courthere in America in a courtand it was a small caseit was not a high profile caseand the trial courtwas listening to itand in thatwhen the judge was giving a sentenceI saw thatthe judge was giving a sentenceand the judge saidthe judge was quite agedso he saidthat the lawand its applicationif everequity is being compromisedthen whenever equity and laware in conflictwe have to go with the equityand I have said many times in my vlogsthat whenever law and equity are in conflictequity shall prevailthe Earl of Oxford’s case 1615that is 400 years agoso the law of 400 years agoAnglo-Saxon lawthat is still being followedin the land of Americain small casesthey say thatif there is no justicethen you do justiceignore the strict application of the lawhereChief Justice Amir Farooqand Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangirihave done a very technicalstrict application of lawand as a resultif the former chairmanof Pakistan’s largest political partyand Pakistan’s most acceptedpolitical leaderis excluded from the electionthen let it bethis is the interpretationof law and justicePakistan’s Islamabad High CourtChief JusticeMehmood Jahangiria judge of justicewhich in my opinion is wrongthis is not rightthis is not the right interpretation of lawbecause law is just a toolto dispense justicethis is not some heavenly scripturewhich you have to applystricto sensuthat you did thatbut you didn’t do thatso this is justiceyou have to seeif a person like Imran Khanis excluded from the electionon this technical basiswhich you have brought upthen will the elections beclear, transparentfree, justcredible, well reputedor will everyone raise their fingerthat Imran Khanis excludedand look this decision has also comefrom Islamabad High Courtwhich has played its roleto see if justice is being done or notbut this decision has comefrom Islamabad High Courtafter which Imran Khan has collectedthe nomination papersbut in spite of thatwill he be able to take part in the electionsor not, there is still a bigquestion mark on thisChaudhry Parvez Alaihas also saidwhile talking to the mediathat the nomination papers have been collectedor are being collectedand he has saidthat if there is no fieldthen what will happen to the levelwhen he was asked about the level playing fieldand after that he saidthat if free, fair, transparent electionsare not allowedthen there will be a historical crisislet the elections take place in Pakistanthe future of the poor people is linked to thisso this is also a good thingthat Chaudhry Parvez Alai has saidand apart from thatSheikh Rashid has collectedthe nomination papers from 57and asked them if there is any seat adjustmentfrom PTIand they said that we have an old relationship with themand I have come hereagainst PTI but I have notgiven any statement against PTIso I believe thatPTI will not make a candidate against meso these are the news for todaythank you very much for watching the vlogtake care of yourself, Allah Hafiz
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